Riverside Park, within the Ginnindery land holding, ACT is endowed with natural features that provide spectacular natural scenery, including rivers, gorges, and falls. The site is being gifted to the public for recreation and adventure, revegetation, and biodiversity. CJ Arms has been working closely with the landowner, park rangers, and traditional owners to create an ecological landscape masterplan that capitalises on the assets of the site and is sensitive to stakeholder needs.

Image: ©SPRESSER, Peter Besley. Barangaroo Pier Pavilion, located in Watermans Cove, Sydney, will be a stunning place where people can meet, gather and relax by the water, or enjoy a range of Barangaroo events. The pavilion’s language speaks of connecting with the land, sea, and sky. Our ecology and landscape design supports and further strengthens these connections by celebrating and promoting the natural world.
Subdivision residential and community developments. Masterplanning, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Engineering services, and authority engagement.
Burwood Brickworks Shopping Centre. The world’s most sustainable shopping centre, certified under the Living Building Challenge. Water sustainability and hydraulic design of all water systems, including water treatment, recycled water management, and reuse.
We designed the Shenzhen Mangrove Museum’s gardens and parks to weave in, through, and around building, and to provide a place for the community to find peace and fluidity away from the hard-edged urban built form of the city. We include the Mangrove Botanic Gardens as a curated mangrove experience, to engender a sense of ownership and a desire for all to protect the environment, while maintaining the exclusivity of the Mangrove Reserve for research, scientific monitoring, and ecological protection.
At River Valley, our integrated water strategy, along with a detailed plan to incorporate biodiversity right throughout the development, continues the natural theme created by the presence of the neighbouring Maribyrnong River Valley. By connecting this corridor to the site, both activity and habitat corridors are established, encouraging a healthy, happy community.
Embracing our drive to engender real and positive social and environmental change by design. At River Valley, initiatives include productive and community gardens, low waste and zero carbon communities, and support for the reintroduction and protection of native threatened species.
Urban Design and masterplanning of residential communities. We always consider and integrate local context, historical and cultural background, topography, and climate.
A re-created Mangrove experience that connects the mangrove reserve with the city above while preserving its rare and important ecosystem function. The Shenzhen Mangrove Museum will be a centre of education, research, and conservation of international significance.
Sydney Fish Markets. Hydraulic and civil design, including drainage design for the highly complex roof geometry. Our drainage engineers maintain architectural intent by incorporating siphonic drainage systems without sumps or external gutters.
Melbourne Convention Centre. Hydraulic design of water supply, treatment, and reuse for this landmark multi-function building.
Peter Doherty Institute. Passive greywater treatment and reuse wetlands. Fully integrated as a rooftop garden on the 10th floor of this landmark facility.
CJ Arms provides advice on all types of roof drainage matters including investigative forensic analysis, expert witness reporting, hail design, and climate change analysis.
Landmark and feature buildings. Water and landscape design for this multi-purpose international research and technology building, for which we incorporated lush, functional, and inviting spaces inside and out.
Bunurong Memorial Park. Our multidiscipline team understands the value of stormwater as a precious resource. Here we harnessed the stormwater to create tranquil vistas and moments of reflection. A positive outcome for the client was a huge uptick in the value of the properties.
Beaumaris Secondary College. Hydraulic and water sustainability services including design of stormwater wetlands. Wetlands provide water treatment, enhance the local ecology and habitat, and are used by the school as an educational tool for environmental sciences, literature, and the humanities.
Passive wastewater systems – prototyping, research and development, design, testing, and expert advice.
RSPCA, Burwood. Passive greywater treatment wetlands integrated into the outdoor landscaping. Treating and reusing thousands of litres of dog kennel wastewater every day.
New Bendigo Hospital. Representing the biggest ever investment in Victoria’s regional healthcare, Bendigo Hospital was built over two sites and incorporated heritage buildings with brand new state of the art buildings. CJ Arms provided hydraulic design and water sustainability services to this $630M project.
Nature-led design of outdoor spaces to create opportunities for play, learning, mindfulness, and to engage with native fauna.
La Trobe University, Melbourne. Creek rehabilitation and revegetation and wetland creation. We also included fit-for-purpose stormwater harvesting and reuse systems that are reducing the university’s water use by many millions of litres every month.
Melbourne Park. Hydraulic services and roof drainage design for this world class sporting and entertainment facility. Included modelling for peak day (Australian Open) water and sewerage services; and complex sitewide water capture, reuse, and irrigation schemes.
RSPCA, Burwood. Looking to nature and harnessing natural processes. Passive greywater treatment wetlands – safe, effective, low energy, and aesthetic